Uninstalling MergeMail

If MergeMail didn’t work out for you, we’d love to hear why, so that we can improve the experience for others. Please feel free to contact us to let us know how we can improve MergeMail.

If you’d like to uninstall MergeMail, here are the steps to do so:

  1. In your Chrome browser, go to Window > Extensions (or chrome://extensions), then find the MergeMail extension and either disable it or remove it.
  2. If you’ve set up a paid plan, go to your MergeMail account and click “Cancel”.
  3. Go to Apps with access to your account, find MergeMail, and click “Remove Access”.

If you want to, you can also request that we delete the data associated with your account. This means that if you decide to use MergeMail again in the future, your previous campaigns and reports will no longer be accessible. To do this, contact us and ask us to delete your data.